Wednesday, November 12, 2008

JUst memyself & I

Ive been in this world for twenty two years. It’s quite a long time, yet I am still struggling to find myself; who I really want to be, what my creator wants me to become, and who I want to be with.

My kindergarten yearbook reminded me that I wanted to become an engineer. Twelve years later, I was enrolled at the College of Accountancy, quite far from what I dream t of becoming.

Five years later, with God’s grace, I finished my course. Weeks after, I enrolled myself for a four-month CPA review course. I wasn’t certain if I could pass the board exams, still I did my responsibilities as a reviewee. With God’s grace, I passed the validation exams.

When I went to the registrar’s office to request for my Transcript of records, I was put into the pending list since I got some problems with my NSO certificate. Too bad, my transcript or records were not released until the date of the Actual Board Exams.

But still, I thanked my creator. He knows what’s best for me, and being a CPA that soon wasn’t just the perfect time. I never cried, but I wasn’t happy either. I just accepted my fate and moved on. Two days later I prepared my resume and looked for a job.

I went to three job interviews & examinations. With God’s grace, I landed a good job as an accounting staff a week after my job hunt.

Its been one month since I joined the company. I’ve messed around like other first-timers but i made sure that I learned from those mistakes. It’s been one month that I have been doing humbling tasks like answering telephone calls, operating the photocopying machine and following petty orders from my colleagues. I didn’t complain, and I never will. Great things comes from small ones and I am taking each moment with a positive attitude. I am still an amateur and humility is always a virtue.

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